Aging with Grace

This post was inspired by my first participation in Saturday Centus (although it’s Sunday- please forgive!) another writer’s prompt site. I must admit that it is a whole new discipline to keep to the limit of 100 word plus this week’s  prompt phrase “How beautifully Leaves grow Old”. I was constantly aware of my reliance on rhythm and needing to balance that with word count makes for a whole new question of diction. I enjoyed the challenge and am disappointed that I didn’t push hard enough to find an “out of the box” take on the prompt. Still, I look forward to trying new ideas as I explore the various prompts online for writers working to develop skill.  Thanks, Jenny Matlock, for keeping this going!

How beautifully leaves grow old:


They start off soft and bright and green,

working hard to keep air clean

and feed the parent tree.

They age with speed

but feel no need

to slow the work of time.

They flit and bow

not questioning how

to withstand the wind and rain.

Gracefully, they face each storm

Happy to shelter birds, bees and worms.

And as they age

their skin does change

yet this does not upset them.

For when it is time to say good bye

They don’t hold back their beauty:

No, off they go

waving red, orange and gold-

fulfilling their natural duty.

8 Responses

  1. Love it! …and welcome to Mrs. Jenny’s. Hope you’ll continue to participate in Saturday Centus.

  2. An absolutely picture perfect leaf falling to such a graceful beauty and a fine poem to follow with it!

  3. Welcome, new Centusian! I love this piece! You’re going to fit in with us perfectly!!

  4. And a beautiful duty it is!

    Well done.


  5. Wow.

    This was lovely.

    I really liked the direction you went with this!

    Welcome to SC! To be honest I am still addicted to it…129 weeks later!

    Crazy stuff.

    But how can I not be, when there’s writing like this to enjoy every week?

    Thanks for sharing!

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